NewsStandingsRaidsEventsItem ValuesItem History
Date Item Raid Value
12/28/08 Breastplate of the Lost Protector Naxxramas trash 5.00
12/18/08 Torch of Holy Fire Naxxramas (Kel'Thuzad) 5.00
12/18/08 Cape of the Unworthy Wizard Naxxramas (Kel'Thuzad) 5.00
12/18/08 Crown of the Lost Conqueror Naxxramas (Kel'Thuzad) 5.00
12/18/08 Sinister Revenge Naxxramas (Kel'Thuzad) 5.00
12/18/08 Noble Birthright Pauldrons Naxxramas (Sapphiron) 5.00
12/18/08 Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris Naxxramas (Sapphiron) 0.00
12/18/08 Soul of the Dead Naxxramas (Sapphiron) 5.00
12/18/08 Platehelm of the Great Wyrm Naxxramas (Sapphiron) 5.00
12/18/08 Icy Blast Amulet Naxxramas (Sapphiron) 5.00
12/18/08 Breastplate of the Lost Vanquisher Naxxramas (The Four Horsemen) 5.00
12/18/08 Broken Promise Naxxramas (The Four Horsemen) 5.00
12/18/08 Urn of Lost Memories Naxxramas (The Four Horsemen) 5.00
12/18/08 Gloves of Peaceful Death Naxxramas (The Four Horsemen) 5.00
12/18/08 Forethought Talisman Naxxramas (Gothik the Harvester) 5.00
12/18/08 Abetment Bracers Naxxramas (Gothik the Harvester) 5.00
12/18/08 Burdened Shoulderplates Naxxramas (Gothik the Harvester) 5.00
12/18/08 Idol of Awakening Naxxramas (Gothik the Harvester) 5.00
12/18/08 Bands of Mutual Respect Naxxramas (Instructor Razuvious) 5.00
12/18/08 Girdle of Razuvious Naxxramas (Instructor Razuvious) 5.00
12/18/08 Chestpiece of Suspicion Naxxramas (Instructor Razuvious) 5.00
12/16/08 Riveted Abomination Leggings Naxxramas (Thaddius) 5.00
12/16/08 Spire of Sunset Naxxramas (Thaddius) 5.00
12/16/08 Legplates of the Lost Protector Naxxramas (Gluth) 5.00
12/16/08 Breastplate of the Lost Conqueror Naxxramas (Gluth) 5.00
12/16/08 Chestguard of the Exhausted Naxxramas (Grobbulus) 5.00
12/16/08 Crude Discolored Battlegrips Naxxramas (Patchwerk) 5.00
12/16/08 Split Greathammer Naxxramas (Patchwerk) 5.00
12/16/08 Boots of Persuasion Naxxramas (Patchwerk) 5.00
12/16/08 Strong-Handed Ring Naxxramas (Patchwerk) 5.00
12/16/08 Ablative Chitin Girdle Naxxramas (Maexxna) 5.00
12/16/08 Quivering Tunic Naxxramas (Maexxna) 5.00
12/16/08 Bindings of the Hapless Prey Naxxramas (Maexxna) 5.00
12/16/08 Fire-Scorched Greathelm Naxxramas (Grand Widow Faerlina) 5.00
12/16/08 Totem of Misery Naxxramas (Grand Widow Faerlina) 5.00
12/16/08 Leggings of Atrophy Naxxramas (Anub'Rekhan) 0.00
12/16/08 Ruthlessness Naxxramas (Anub'Rekhan) 0.00
12/16/08 Dawnwalkers Naxxramas (Anub'Rekhan) 5.00
12/16/08 Inexorable Sabatons Naxxramas (Anub'Rekhan) 5.00
12/16/08 Mantle of the Lost Vanquisher Naxxramas (Loatheb) 5.00
12/16/08 Greaves of Turbulence Naxxramas (Loatheb) 5.00
12/16/08 The Impossible Dream Naxxramas (Loatheb) 5.00
12/16/08 Shoulderguards of the Undaunted Naxxramas (Heigan the Unclean) 5.00
12/16/08 Breastplate of Tormented Rage Naxxramas (Heigan the Unclean) 5.00
12/16/08 Shawl of the Old Maid Naxxramas (Heigan the Unclean) 5.00
12/16/08 Bindings of the Decrepit Naxxramas (Heigan the Unclean) 5.00
12/16/08 Heigan's Putrid Vestments Naxxramas (Heigan the Unclean) 5.00
12/16/08 Shoulderguards of Opportunity Naxxramas (Noth the Plaguebringer) 5.00
12/16/08 Spinning Fate Naxxramas (Noth the Plaguebringer) 5.00
12/16/08 Gloves of the Fallen Wizard Naxxramas (Noth the Plaguebringer) 5.00
12/16/08 Fool's Trial Naxxramas (Noth the Plaguebringer) 5.00
... found 51 unique items / 100 per page

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